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Safety of Minors in Research Program Requirements for laboratories hosting minor students

The Department of Research Safety is committed to supporting the education and training of fledgling scientists by stewardship of the Safety of Minors in Research Laboratories Program. The University of Kentucky (UK) hosts a robust and ever-expanding scientific research program with hundreds of laboratories that store and/or utilize an array of hazardous materials as part of their work. The Safety of Minors in Research Laboratories Program and its policy allow for the performance of hazard identification and risk assessment by Research Safety staff for a wide variety of projects minor students actively conduct or observe with mentorship and guidance of university researchers. Completion of this program’s requirements is crucial in ensuring that standard operating procedures, appropriate safety practices, and online training are documented and in place before minor students can begin work in these spaces.

Timely approval for submitted applications for this program requires the cooperation of the minor student (and student’s guardian), the administrative official(s) of the sponsored program (i.e., school internship coordinator), the Principal Investigator or Laboratory Supervisor of the project’s laboratory or location, and the Department of Research Safety.

Safety of Minors in Research Policy

Scope: This policy applies to persons under the age of 18, whether a visiting high school student, employee, or volunteer, conducting research or taking part in activities as part of a sponsored project, in all University of Kentucky research or clinical laboratories, greenhouses, farm properties, animal facility, procedure or housing spaces, and field lab/work locations.

Minors under the age of 14 are not permitted inside of any of these University of Kentucky locations unless as part of an official UK sponsored program, tour, or event (i.e., science fair) designed for youth under the age of 14 for which documented safety policies have been established. For information about university-sponsored programs, please visit:

Enrolled UK students under 18 working in a university laboratory are not required to complete this process. Safety training and hazard assessments for these individuals shall be completed as part of UK Research Safety’s routine teaching and research laboratory oversight processes.

All persons under 18 are prohibited from specific listed activities, under federal and state child labor laws. Principal Investigators, students, and their guardians shall inform themselves as to what is allowable within the scope of activities and materials used in the proposed project and hosting laboratory. All minor students and their guardians should understand the risks involved in all proposed work and how those risks are minimized. Read the list of prohibited activities by minors here, using UK Linkblue credentials.

Responsibilities of the host Principal Investigator/Laboratory Supervisor:

  1. Read and understand the UK Safety of Minors in Research Policy and prohibited activities for minors.
  2. Ensure the Safety of Minors in Research submission form has been filled out completely and accurately before submission, including the student guardian’s signature page, confirming awareness of planned procedures and materials. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed.
  3. Ensure the project description is adequate for proper risk assessment by Research Safety. This information should not be a copied project overview statement from a grant or institutional oversight committee, but instead detail the specific procedures and materials the student will be directly using or shadowing as someone else performs.
  4. If the student is to work with or be supervised by assigned laboratory personnel other than the listed PI/Lab Supervisor, this individual shall be named in the project description and have completed the necessary online trainings for lab personnel in addition to documented Lab-Specific training.
  5. Ensure the hazard assessment is filled out appropriately. For any box checked on the hazard assessment table, a description of the specific material and procedures involved is required in the project description.
  6. Ensure the Safety of Minors in Research form has been submitted to the Department of Research Safety and has gained approval before the student begins work in the laboratory. Ensure notification has also been provided to any institutional oversight committees (i.e., IACUC, IBC, IRB).
  7. Ensure the minor student has completed the required training before beginning work in the laboratory. Completion of these trainings is required before EHS approval will be issued for work on site in the lab.
  8. Once the minor student is on site, ensure to provide and document Laboratory Specific Training, including Fire and Emergency policies and evacuation procedures. Minors shall not be responsible for extinguishing a fire. Information shall focus on personal safety and notification via 911 including how/when to activate fire alarms, evacuation routes, detection of natural gas or relevant hazardous chemical odors.
  9. Ensure the minor student is provided proper personal protective equipment (PPE), and is trained in its donning/doffing, utilization, and disposal. Always ensure the minor student wears proper PPE during procedures with hazardous materials including when the minor will be shadowing lab personnel performing work with hazardous materials.
  10. Ensure the minor student is always supervised when in the laboratory.
  11. Ensure the hours worked comply with UK Human Resources Policy #16 Employment of Minors.
  12. Ensure the laboratory is in full compliance with all applicable UK Research Safety Programs and regulations.

Responsibilities of the minor student (and guardian):

  1. Read and understand the UK Safety of Minors in Research Policy and prohibited activities for minors.
  2. Ensure the Safety of Minors in Research submission form has been filled out completely and accurately before submission, including the student guardian’s signature page, confirming awareness of planned procedures and materials. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed.
  3. Ensure the project description is adequate for proper risk assessment by Research Safety. This information should not be a cut and pasted project overview statement, but instead detail what procedures and materials the student will be directly using/performing or shadowing as someone else performs. If the student is to work with or be supervised by assigned laboratory personnel other than the PI/Lab Supervisor for the project's duration, this person shall be named in the project description.
  4. Ensure the hazard assessment is filled out appropriately. For any box checked on the hazard assessment table, a description of the specific material and procedures involved is required in the project description.
  5. Complete all required online training before beginning work in the laboratory.
  6. Once on site, complete Laboratory Specific Training, including Fire and Emergency policies and evacuation procedures. Minors shall not be responsible for extinguishing a fire. Information shall primarily focus on personal safety and notification via 911. This information shall include how/when to activate fire alarms, evacuation routes, and detection of natural gas or relevant hazardous chemical odors.
  7. Always wear all provided personal protective equipment (PPE) when working or observing work with hazardous materials. Adhere to all instructions given regarding its donning, doffing, utilization, and disposal.
  8. Do not work alone or without supervision when in the laboratory.
  9. Ensure the hours worked comply with UK Human Resources Policy #16 Employment of Minors.
  10. Comply with all applicable UK Research Safety Programs and regulations.

Safety of Minors in Research links: